Join us for Give UNC, a day like no other! What better way to give back to UNC and your community than supporting to a local Tar Heel? When you give to your club scholarship on Give UNC it will go a UNC sophomore, junior or senior from your area. This means a lot — to you, to us, to the students, to Carolina. Make a gift today.
March 29th is the day to show UNC how much we care. We will be raising money for our Jacksonville Carolina Club Scholarship Fund and competing against other Carolina Clubs to see who can raise the most.. Let’s see how much we can raise in 24 hours! Last year we raised enough for 2 scholarships and during a pandemic I’d say that is AMAZING!!. Let’s match that this year or better yet, raise enough for 3 scholarships! I know it has been a tough year for everyone, but we have over 1,000 UNC alumni in the Jacksonville area, so if everyone gave $1 we would raise enough for two scholarships. No amount is too small. Give what you can. Let’s go Jacksonville Carolina Club! GIVE UNC 2022!
[Note: swipe left at the bottom of the donation page for the second page of Clubs to find our Club donation page.
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